NIME 2018 Call for submissions
Please pardon the cross-posting,
*A friendly reminder that the submission deadline of January 20th,
2018, for the NIME 2018 conference is now a week away. Please note as
long as you create a placeholder entry, you will be able to edit it
until the final submission deadline of January 27th. The paper templates
and all other supporting information is available on the website
(**NIME2018.ORG <>). We sincerely look forward to
your submissions. In the meantime, should you have any questions, please
do not hesitate to contact us.*
NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression) is the premier conference
in human-machine interfaces and interactions for musical performance.
NIME is a gathering of researchers, designers, musicians, who come
together to share knowledge, perform music, and build community through
research presentations, concerts, installations, and workshops.
On behalf of the 2018 NIME Committee I am pleased to announce that the
NIME 2018 "Mirrored Resonances" Conference call for submissions is now
officially open! Co-organized between Virginia Tech and the University
of Virginia, the conference will take place June 3-6, 2018 in
Blacksburg, Virginia. We welcome submissions of papers, posters, panels,
musical performances, installations, demos, and workshops, particularly
those that may respond to the overarching conference theme of “Mirrored
Resonances” and its thematic areas in any of the many ways they might be
interpreted. Likewise, we encourage potential participants to consider
exploring the unique Virginia Tech facilities, including the Institute
for Creativity, Arts, and Technology’s Cube with a massive high density
loudspeaker array. The deadline for the *double-blind peer reviewed
submissions*, including papers, panels, demo papers, music, and
installations is January 20th, 2018. Submissions created by January 20th
will continue to be editable until January 27th when the submission
process will close. Demos without paper and workshops will be *curated
*and have an extended submission deadline until March 1st, 2018. In
addition to the NIME and academic communities, we also invite industry,
as well as non-academic creatives to consider participating in the
aforesaid categories. For a complete list of important dates visit the
Participate <> page.
We are excited to announce that the conference will feature four keynote
*Onyx Ashanti**
**Benjamin Knapp**
**Ikue Mori**
**Pamela Z*
If interested in sponsorship opportunities please do not hesitate to
contact us
On behalf of the entire NIME 2018 Committee, we look forward to
welcoming you in Virginia next June!
Go to the website
NIME2018.ORG <>
Facebook <>
Twitter <>
Instagram <>
Website <>
Moss Arts Center
190 Alumni Mall
Blacksburg, VA 24060
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Tweet <>
Share <>
I don't think I ever gave a proper release and there haven't been any bug
reports for a while so:
This actually is pretty stable and I don't have a lot of time to work on
it, so I figure I should at least do a first official release.
For those holding out for a GUI check out
Those are probably more like what you expect, but don't have the scripting
capabilities of reMID.
[Apologies for cross-postings] [Please distribute]
Conference date: 7th - 10th June 2018
The Linux Audio Conference 2018 will be hosted at c-base, Berlin -
in partnership with the Electronic Music Studio (TU Berlin) and Spektrum.
Deadline for all submissions: Friday, February 28th, 2018 (23:59 UTC)
- - -
1: Call for Papers / Posters / Workshops
LAC 2018 invites submissions of papers, posters and workshops addressing
all areas of audio processing based on Linux and open source software.
All submissions and presentations are in English. All submissions are
peer reviewed by a committee of experts from different disciplines.
Submissions can focus on technical, artistic or scientific issues and
can target developers or users.
For more details see the website:
Papers must be written and presented in English.
The length of papers is 4 to 8 pages, with up to 5 keywords, and an
abstract of up to 200 words.
The poster presentations are based on paper submissions of 2-4 pages,
with up to 5 keywords and an abstract of up to 150 words.
The workshop presentation (max duration of 2h) should be 1-4 pages, with
up to 5 keywords, and an abstract of up to 150 words to be published on
the conference website. Submit a brief description of the workshop
including URL (if available).
How to submit?
* Use the OpenConf online submission tool at
* Select the relevant submission type ('_ PAPER _' / '_ POSTER _' / '_
* The required file format is PDF, formatted for A4 paper. Authors are
required to use the templates for paper formatting available as download
on the conference website.
* Please notify us if you need a special technical setup for your
- - -
2: Call for Music Performances / Multimedia Installations
LAC 2018 also invites submissions of Electroacoustic Works and
Multimedia Installations. A jury will select the compositions and
installations to be included in the conference program according to
artistic merit and technical feasibility.
Please be prepared to perform your work yourself and make sure that you
have all resources needed to perform your piece at your disposal (e.g.
instruments, other performers, etc.).
Unfortunately, LAC 2018 cannot pay a fee neither for you nor for any
additional performers, and LAC 2018 cannot organize or pay for travel or
accommodation neither for you nor for any additional performers.
All submissions are peer reviewed by a committee of experts in music and
Electroacoustic Works and Multimedia Installation can address all areas
of digital audio and audiovisual art.
Available Technical Setups
For concerts, the LAC will provide the following equipment:
* 8-channel - speaker setup
* Stereo setup + video projection
* Digital mixing desk
Additional requests can not be guaranteed.
How to submit?
* Use the OpenConf online submission tool at
* Select the submission type '_ PERFORMANCE _'
* The required file format is PDF, formatted for A4 paper. It includes:
* Description of the project program notes
* Link to video or audio demonstration of the project
* Technical rider of the work
Important Dates
* Deadline for all submissions: Friday, February 28th, 2018 (23:59 UTC)
* Acceptance notification: March 31st, 2018
* Final deadline for 'camera ready' paper: April 15th, 2018
* Author registration deadline: April 15th, 2018
* Final program: May 1st, 2018
Up-to-date information regarding the conference can be found on its website:
Looking forward to seeing you in Berlin!
The Linux Audio Conference 2018 team
MusE 3.0.0 released January 6, 2018
Hello all,
Can you hear it? No? Well, let me tell you, it’s that time again, more than
three years has passed (unfortunately) since the last MusE release. Finally
it’s time for a new one. And high time it is, the last stable release seems
to not even start on many modern systems…
A selection of sorts, changes since the last stable release 2.2.1 are as
follows (sorry it’s long):
* Switched to Qt5
* New Plugin Path editor in Global Settings:
* System-wide move to double precision of all audio paths
* LV2 fix for very slow right-click synth 'presets' ex. amsynth
* LV2 support PowerOf2BlockLength
* LV2 support FixedBlockLength
* Mixer makeover with lots of fixes
* Arranger Track Info panel complete makeover
* New: Persistent routes jack audio and midi routes.
* Multi-channel Audio Track routing
* Improved automation editing, no multi-point editing yet though
* Audio automation graphs undo support
* New wave drawing mode in arranger with a tiny outline of the wave file
* Added Native VST FX support (synths were already supported)
* Added support to resize notes and parts to the left with pencil tool
* Added live update of wave parts while recording
* Added Native VST shell plugins support
* Added recording restart function (CTRL+Space and SHIFT+space keeping the
* Auto resample imported wave files to project's sample rate
* Graphical Routing dialog redone and enhanced
* Routing popup menus for midi now allow Jack Midi routing
* Device List added to midi configuration, with 'Delete' button.
* Added multichannel support for SimpleDrums (+routing ability)
* Added lots of instrument definition files
* CPU and Audio DSP usage metering
* Midi transformer support for for randomizing events
* Added sample-rate change according to song file when using RtAudio
* Midi device processing implementation greatly improved
* External midi clock sync reworked
* Large System Exclusive (sysex) message support for ALSA
* Added support for RtAudio audio backend - primarily Pulse is supported
* Synths can now be selected as a midi input route.
* Much improved monitoring functionality
* ALSA support is now optional, can run in pure jack mode.
* Timer improvements, ALSA timer now first choice.
* Fluidsynth MESS synth plugin now propagates drum names using libinstpatch
to drum editor
* Midi file export: Added missing Aftertouch, PolyAftertouch support
* Several host improvements to better support various plugin variants for
LV2 and VST
* More LV2 extensions supported
* Lots of GUI Widget changes, several widgets switchable between knob and
* Various improvements to midi engine
* Greatly reduced CPU usage while playing and automation graph(s) showing.
* Some track arranger properties, like track channel can now be manipulated
with multiple tracks
* Mixer strip order now rearrangeable
* Persistent routes for Jack
* Multi-channel Audio Track routing.
* Routing popup menus redone.
* Song file version handling improved
* Midi config dialog reworked
* "Normalize wave part" menu item for wave track parts
* Many new keyboard shortcuts, for instance mute and solo and operate mixer
* Bug #526 fixed: Crash on cut with scissors while master open
* Added instrument files for:
** Classic Cantabile SP-250
** Medeli SP4200
** Korg Krome (Bank Map KORG)
** Korg Krome (Bank Map GM2)
** Roland-MT32
** Lexicon-MX200
** Yamaha-Rex50
** Yamaha-Motif XS
And lots and lots of internal changes
For the complete list of changes see:
News section:
Demos page:
Forum is dead - use mailing list:
Some known issues that aren't dealt with yet:
* Add measure does not take automation into account, use Structure add
* Unmuting a track during playback sometimes causes wierd sound offset
issues, cured by stop/start
* Note on the first tick in a loop is not played
* Ctrl+C sometimes does not work for copying a part in the arranger, menu
alternative works
* Automation edit db cue is wrong when editing
Keep on Rocking!
The MusE Team
*Call for Proposals*
Deadline: 17.00 (GMT), Friday 12th January 2018.
In the forty years since the release of Brian Eno’s *Music for Airports *the
concept and aesthetics of ambient music have proliferated, influencing
artists as diverse as Taylor Deupree, Steven Wilson, David Lynch and The
Orb, infusing drone, microsound, minimalism and experimental electronic
music as well as aspects of contemporary instrumental music. The aim of
this two-day conference is to re-appraise ambient music in relation to
Eno’s milestone release.
Ambient@40 will be hosted in the newly opened Oastler Building at the
University of Huddersfield from Friday 23rd to Saturday 24th February. The
programme committee invites proposals for:
1. individual papers (20 minute presentation with 10 minutes for
questions and discussion);
2. performance and paper (10 minute per performance, 10 minute
presentation with 10 minutes for questions).
The committee welcomes proposals from academics, independent scholars,
research students and practitioners.
The conference will run alongside the Electric Spring Festival ( and an evening concert on Saturday 24th February
at the Festival will close the conference.
The program committee will also invite a selection of those giving papers
to write them up in the months following the conference (deadline June
2018) as book chapters for publication in late 2018 / early 2019.
*Submission and selection process*
All proposals should be submitted to Prof. Monty Adkins (m.adkins(a)
by the deadline, Friday 12th January 2018 (17.00, GMT). Individual paper
submissions should include an abstract (350 words) and an author biography
(200 words). Performance and paper submissions should include a brief
overview of the audio presentation including technical resources required
(300 words), links to online samples of audio work, an abstract (350 words)
and an author biography (200 words).
The committee aims to notify proposal authors of its decision by Friday 19th
January 2018. Those selected will be asked to confirm their acceptance and
technical setup. The full programme will be announced online and booking
opened on Monday 22nd January 2018.
The Ambient@40 conference registration fee will be £50 (£30 for
QJackRcd release 1.2.0
QJackRcd is a simple QT5 stereo recorder for Jack with few features as
silence processing for automatic pause, file splitting, background file
1.2.0 (stable)
- Add recorded size indicators in status bar
- Add command line parser with all options
- Add a console mode only (no GUI) for automation purpose
- Add a man page (en) with all options described.
- FIX: conflicts between jack transport and record at launch feature in
some cases.
- FIX: internal recording buffer size not adjusted (too long).
1.1.2 (stable)
- Add an option to be in record state at launch time
... see details in README file:
distribution tar file download:…
SF project site:
On behalf of the entire Rivendell development team, I'm pleased to announce the availability of Rivendell v2.18.2. Rivendell is a full-featured radio automation system targeted for use in professional broadcast environments. It is available under the GNU General Public License.
From the NEWS file:
*** snip snip ***
Fixed a bug that caused creation of new clocks in rdlogmanager(1) to
fail to initialize music scheduler components correctly in the database.
Database Update:
This version of Rivendell uses database schema version 272, and will
automatically upgrade any earlier versions. To see the current schema
version prior to upgrade, see RDAdmin->SystemInfo.
As always, be sure to run RDAdmin immediately after upgrading to allow
any necessary changes to the database schema to be applied.
*** snip snip ***
Further information, screenshots and download links are available at: <>
Third time’s the charm! (we hope). :)
| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. | Chief Developer |
| | Paravel Systems |
| There's never time to do it right, but there's always time |
| to do it over. |
| -- Meskimen's Law |
NIME 2018 Call for submissions
Please pardon the cross-posting,
*A friendly reminder of the upcoming submission deadline January 20th,
2018, for the NIME 2018 conference. The paper templates and all other
supporting information is available on the website (**NIME2018.ORG
<>). We sincerely look forward to your submissions.
In the meantime, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate
to contact us. ***On behalf of the entire committee I wish you all a
happy New Year.**
NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression) is the premier conference
in human-machine interfaces and interactions for musical performance.
NIME is a gathering of researchers, designers, musicians, who come
together to share knowledge, perform music, and build community through
research presentations, concerts, installations, and workshops.
On behalf of the 2018 NIME Committee I am pleased to announce that the
NIME 2018 "Mirrored Resonances" Conference call for submissions is now
officially open! Co-organized between Virginia Tech and the University
of Virginia, the conference will take place June 3-6, 2018 in
Blacksburg, Virginia. We welcome submissions of papers, posters, panels,
musical performances, installations, demos, and workshops, particularly
those that may respond to the overarching conference theme of “Mirrored
Resonances” and its thematic areas in any of the many ways they might be
interpreted. Likewise, we encourage potential participants to consider
exploring the unique Virginia Tech facilities, including the Institute
for Creativity, Arts, and Technology’s Cube with a massive high density
loudspeaker array. The deadline for the *double-blind peer reviewed
submissions*, including papers, panels, demo papers, music, and
installations is January 20th, 2018. Submissions created by January 20th
will continue to be editable until January 27th when the submission
process will close. Demos without paper and workshops will be *curated
*and have an extended submission deadline until March 1st, 2018. In
addition to the NIME and academic communities, we also invite industry,
as well as non-academic creatives to consider participating in the
aforesaid categories. For a complete list of important dates visit the
Participate <> page.
We are excited to announce that the conference will feature four keynote
*Onyx Ashanti**
**Benjamin Knapp**
**Ikue Mori**
**Pamela Z*
If interested in sponsorship opportunities please do not hesitate to
contact us
On behalf of the entire NIME 2018 Committee, we look forward to
welcoming you in Virginia next June!
Go to the website
NIME2018.ORG <>
Facebook <>
Twitter <>
Instagram <>
Website <>
Moss Arts Center
190 Alumni Mall
Blacksburg, VA 24060
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Tweet <>
Share <>