On Sat, 2004-11-27 at 22:14, John Check wrote:
> On Saturday 27 November 2004 07:43 am, Marek Peteraj wrote:
> > On Sat, 2004-11-27 at 11:06, MarC wrote:
> > > what about creating a wiki website to submit "soundcard experiences"?
> >
> > This also seems like a good idea to me, and it would be cool to have a
> > knowledgebase like that.
> >
> > However i think that doing a survey in order to measure how big the
> > linux audio market is is a different project.
> > Similar to what David did, i imagine that a RME (or M-Audio) customer
> > would submit his name, optionally email, choose type of his card from a
> > list, and enter approx. date of purchase so that we can track the growth
> > of the market(thus it's possible to roughly estimate its future growth).
> > Also we'd need to announce it to a broad range of people, LAD/LAU/LAA,
> > ALSA-dev/user/site, and Slashdot i suppose, so that we reach as many
> > such customers as possible.
> > Let's also not forget about OSS users which are also linux users.
> > (I personally reckon a few people from #lad having troubles with alsa,
> > they switched to oss for that reason).
> > However, since i've got no php experience and very little mysql
> > experience, i can't tell how hard it would be to do such a sumbit/log
> > system.
> >
> Now that you mention it... I made some posts regarding a MIDI implementation
> chart reporting system over the summer. I'm getting in the home stretch with
> that, mainly gotta do something WRT of authentication before it's ready to
> roll out. Wouldn't be a big deal to add another area for that of which you
> speak
That'd be great. It wouldn't need to be something really simple so that
people don't have to bother with it too much. Most relevant information
such as type of card, approx. date of purchase, so that we can count the
numbers and estimate future growth.
I'm expecting to purchase a TERRATEC PHASE 26 USB device,
I want to know if it works well under linux, especially with a mandrake
10.1 community ?
I found some thoughts telling me it's Ok? But I want to know you're
thinking in this list?
>> Beyond that I can't help you much. SB cards are an absolute nightmare.
>> Perhaps somebody else on this list who has a SB card can offer more
>> help. The Alsa Wiki can sometimes help.
>This is a well known problem. The emu10k1 needs an hwdep mixer app,
>like on Windows. It's just too complex for a generic mixer API.
>We get a lot of complaints about the mixer but not a lot of suggestions
>to improve it. A good way to start it to open an ALSA bug report like
>"emu10k1: mixer sux0r" and suggest how we could improve it.
The Sound Blaster / Audigy, AC97, and Nvidia related cards or chips are becomming a real pain in the ass. Something needs to be done to make the configuration of these idiot proof. (Not that I'm calling anybody with said hardware an idiot.) I try to help out people on the Gentoo Multimedia forums and there must be several posts a day reading something like "I can't get this POS audio device to work with Alsa".
Since most of the noobs to linux are comming from a windows background, wouldn't it help if the mixer app was modeled after the mixer app used for these cards / chips on windows? i.e. no learning curve. (maybe it already is, I've tried to stay away from them)
> Hi Russell:
> It works for me. I'm using HyperCanvas 1.02, it seems to be working
> perfectly, though I haven't exactly stress-tested it.
> jack_fst HyperCanvas.dll
> Russell Hanaghan wrote:
> >There is a killer Soft synth under <place favorite pseudonym for
> >proprietary monopolistic OS here> win-dohs! It comes in VST and DXi
> >format. It is Edirols Hyper canvas that runs to GM2 spec and has good
> >control and functionality in the likes of Steinberg, Cakewalk, etc.
> >
> >I'm wondering if it could be run under FST or VST_server and used in
> ><place favorite Open Source OS distro here> Linux in conjunction with
> >Muse or Rosegarden or other sequencer apps?
> >
> >Anyone by remote chance messed with this? I will be doing some
> >experimenting but I have not even got VST server to work properly
> yet.
> >
> >Thanks
> >
hi -
i was wondering if this had been resolved? i'm currently getting almost
exactly the same problem that Russell Hanaghan was having with jack_fst
and wine - it has all compiled and installed okay (wine 20040505,
fst-1.6, jack_fst-1.2) on my ccrma fedora core 2 box, but when i call it
this is what i get:
> [mrmachine@localhost mrmachine]$ jack_fst /home/mrmachine/c/Program\ Files/vst/Crystal.dll
> Reserving memory: base=0xbff0b500, size=1000000, end=0xbffff740
> err:font:OpenFontFile FT_New_Face rets 81
> Building font metrics. This may take some time...
> fst signal handler 11, thread = 0xb6d74bb0
> fst signal handler 11 (TEB=0xb6d75000)
> Killed
i can run it no worries as root (and what a joy it is too! but not really practical), but as normal user i get the above message every time :(
btw - i'm starting jack as normal user ...
any help on this one? over at ccrma lists, a couple of people have gotten it working on this version of wine, but not on fedora core 2 .. i'm not sure how many have tried ...
Hi all,
I have about a five and a half hour long concert I would like to burn as
audio on a DVD. I assumed that cdrdao or cdrecord would simply make an
"audio dvd" from the wav files, but that is not the case! My guess is
that there is something in the CDDA spec which prevents making an audio
CD over a certain length, because I get "illegal time code" errors from
So, three questions:
1) Is there a way to master an "audio dvd" without encoding to a closed
DVD-A format? By this I mean a DVD disc with uncompressed audio which
can be played back by most CD/DVD combo players.
2) Failing this, I would be happy to simply burn a data DVD with the
tracks, but I want to make sure there are no gaps during playback
between the tracks [thus my idea to make a DAO "audio dvd"]. There are 7
tracks, each approx 50 min long, and each track continues directly into
the next. I do not have access to the original, continuous recording.
How could I get ecasound [or similar command line app] to append the
files together into one single, seamless file? Using a GUI app like
Rezound for this is just too cumbersome!
3) I am not sure if have a single 4 Gb wav file would cause playback
problems on a reasonably fast computer with a DVD drive. My intuition
says yes, however. What other options for seamless playback of almost 6
hours of sound do I have?
thanks much,
>This is not the final mix but it's good enough for a
>demo. It's another one of my less than 60 minute
>meatball engineering jobs.
Very nice! Great work. Stereo field for the organ needs more "space" IMHO, but very nice work, especially for a 60 min job.
'oggenc -q 10 ...' produces good files but 'oggenc -q
5' produces files that clip. quality = 10 is all good
but the file sizes are way to big and i can't release
songs with clips.
anyone noticed this? have a solution?
Do you Yahoo!?
Send a seasonal email greeting and help others. Do good.
>The SBLive is not a POS, it works well, but the mixer is a mess. The
>AC97 and Nvidia cards I can't comment on.
Well, from a pro-audio point of view they're not too hot. ;) I'm sure they're great for normal workstation use, and I will conceed that they are much better than the AC97 and Nvidia chips.
>> Since most of the noobs to linux are comming from a windows background,
>> wouldn't it help if the mixer app was modeled after the mixer app used
>> for these cards / chips on windows? i.e. no learning curve. (maybe it
>> already is, I've tried to stay away from them)
>Yes but this is harder than you think and requires time and a lot of
Really? I wasn't talking about the driver apsect but rather the GUI layout. That is what seems to trip people up the most, like the person who origionally posted to this thread.
Anyway, you obviously have much more in-depth knowlege about this card than I do.
And one thing. If you use recent alsa (1.0.7) and alsamixer, you can
switch views in alsamixer using F3,F4 keys from playback to capture.
Peter Zubaj
http://www.pobox.sk/ - najvacsi slovensky freemail
As I skim over the various messages regarding Marek's tribulations,
first with RME, then with apparently the entire LA* community, I started
thinking that there was some basic flaw in the whole thing. After some
reflection, a few thoughts on the matter:
Frankly, who gives a a flying fsck what gear you're using ? I'm
*far* more interested in what you're doing with it than who makes it,
whether it's "pro" audio gear, if it's the latest trend, or even if it's
"The Future" (TM Disney Corp., I'm sure) of audio technology throughout
the known universe. There seems to be this prevailing fear motif that
somehow if we don't have firewire or whatever that we will somehow
become disabled as musicians and kept forever from creating and
recording good music. What a lot of horse hockey. Over and over again we
see/hear artists who do their work on whatever's available, making it
work because for them it has to work, they have no choice. Early rappers
single-handedly revived a slew of vintage drum machines and synths, the
Seattle punkers said "No thanks!" to the technical indulgences of the
big-hair guitarists of the 80s, returning to the *song* as the logical
focus of a rock band, and if I had to make the point further I'd bring
up Conlon Nancarrow and Harry Partch. Geez, people, stop talking and
start singing ! Where's "Marek's Blues" or "The RME Fight Song" ?? Come
on, the talent's here, we know it is. And I've never heard a single
"normal" listener say anything like "Wow, they really knew how to use
[Pro Tools, Cubase, Ardour] on that song!".
I think we're barking up the wrong tree. Maybe letters to
manufacturers make a difference, but I'll bet one successful song will
do more to attract manufacturers and users to Linux. Even touting
numbers isn't nearly so effective an attention-getter as would be a
single successful recording. And by "successful" I mean that it reaches
tens or hundreds of thousands of people.
Then during the interviews you can say "Ja, I used Linux, ya know,
it's da bomb"...
We're also still missing the potential in the academic scene.
Professors and researchers also have pull, and if they can be convinced
to use Linux in their audio labs, they can also bring pressure on
manufacturers to provide them with drivers et cetera. Plus, a great deal
of hardware work could probably be done at university level, they have
the resources. The home recording market is another potentially powerful
force. In other words, no change will come from the high end, because
there's simply no incentive. Large studios have money for
state-of-the-art equipment and software, they're all scrambling to stay
ahead of the competition (because there isn't really very much of it) by
having what the other guys don't, and there's just no reason for them to
even take an interest in anything other than what they know or are told
to know via Mix magazine. So, no market for Linux there, sorry, not at
this moment in time. But the home studios and smaller scale pro studios
are more budget-minded, ditto for academic studios. Lots of possibility
there, lots of people, lots of potential pressure on manufacturers to
stand up and notice the movement around them. But we won't reach them by
writing messages on mail-lists, we'll reach them by showing them what
can be done.
It's often overlooked how incredibly conservative the whole industry
really is. Innovative trends like Linux may be perceived more as
disruptive than smoothly continuing "things as we've always known and
liked them to be", especially to the higher-level professional studios.
Mark, I'll buy you a case of Iron City Light if Digi ever decides to
support Linux in any way. It's just not in their best interest to do so.
They have created a locked-in market as completely as M$ has done, even
moreso because of the narrow market base. They'll continue to eke out
their innovations to keep them ahead of their competitors and they'll
continue their so-far successful policy of keeping everything closed. I
think it's important to note that such companies are not necessarily
hostile to their user-base, they simply have the power to define that
base and they'll do everything in their power to maintain the lock-in.
It's how they're making their money now, it's been working for them for
many years, and there seems to be no pressing reason for them to change.
So, what to do ? Well, AudioScience has a developer who could perhaps
persuade his company that there's a growing market for high-end
pro-audio cards for Linux, and his company could literally corner the
market for a while simply by providing either their own open-source
drivers or by giving the specs to the community and letting the ALSA and
OSS guys do the driver dance. There's already been some exchange, but
perhaps a little more concerted community effort in that direction can
help ?
Ivica has been working on new ways to promote Linux audio software in
academia, perhaps more people could work with him in a more directed
fashion ? Like a mass-mailing of live Linux audio CDs to the heads of
music tech departments around the world ? I'm sure there are a lot of
ways to create inroads to academic studios.
And we need to make more music with the gear we have. Y'know, I'm sure
that all that virtual hot air blown over on the RME lists could be
utterly dispelled by someone writing, recording, and posting a "Marek's
Lament". I'll bet the cats at RME would be far more interested in
hearing that one song than reading yet another dozen or so screeds.
So get it on, folks. I'm tired of finding my LA* message boxes filled
with diatribe and pointless blame, I want to hear some more *music*.
Isn't that really why we're all here ?
Best regards,
PS: Much of this message should be read with a healthy dose of good
humor, followed by a refreshing walk in the crisp morning air. Which is
where I'm headed now...