After the recent glut of very good stuff coming through the lists, I
feel less inclined to expose myself.
But I will anyway.
And swap the ogg for mp3 if you prefer it.
Jamin is playing silly buggers, so it hasn't gone through my usual
final compression to sort out levels, but I'm not going to play with
it any more.
I can't play guitar, so I've tried to make something that sounds like
an electric guitar. It's actually a mangled sample from ZynAddSubFX,
so it's probably better to call it an ecclectic guitar.
Anyway, comments not just welcomed, but begged for, as usual.
"I'd crawl over an acre of 'Visual This++' and 'Integrated Development
That' to get to gcc, Emacs, and gdb. Thank you."
(By Vance Petree, Virginia Power)
Hi folks, wondering if anyone can help me. I successfully patched 2.6.12
with the latest Ingo patch with the settings for Desktop-preempt, but
when I try ( on a clean source tree patched again ) to compile with the
full preempt option I'm getting:
LD .tmp_vmlinux1
drivers/built-in.o(.text+0xabbad): In function `carm_init_one':
: undefined reference to `there_is_no_init_MUTEX_LOCKED_for_RT_semaphores'
make: *** [.tmp_vmlinux1] Error 1
Anyone had this? The patch I am using is:
The sources are vanilla 2.6.12 from
Thanks again for your work on Specimen. It continues to be one of the very
few "Linux audio" programs that I actually find useful. Although many
Windows audio programs have sampler capabilities, I have not found one that
is as easy to set up and use for single sample to single note as Specimen.
It is very unusual to find a Linux audio program that is significantly better
than any Windows counterpart (both standalone and subcomponent) that is
commonly available, but in my opinion you have created one.
Best regards,
Download from
E-Radium V0.61b
Released 12.7.2005
E-radium is Radium and a special version of E-UAE.
Radium is a midi music editor for the amiga and E-Uae is an amiga
This version of E-Uae is a hacked version of 0.28cvs, which runs
with realtime priority to get accurate timing and supports alsa-seq
to access midi. It does not hog the cpu as much as e-uae does
either so it can be used together with various sound synthesis
software running simultaniously in linux.
E-radium has been tested with both the 2.4 kernel and the 2.6 kernel
and with a ~1GhZ machine and a ~2ghz machine. (A 2.4 kernel with a
100hz resolution timer will proably not work very nice though.)
1. Run ./e-radium
2. Unpress the "Pause" button.
3. Select which resolution you want to run radium with.
4. Connect midi-ports with qjackctl, aconnect, qconnect or similar
If you are a non-us keyboard user, you might have to configure
the keyboard by setting the approporitate type.
e-uae currently supports fr, us, de, dk, se, it and es. Pick the
one closest to what you use, and put it into the "kbd_lang"-field
in the file ".uarc-radium".
(The keyboard should rather have been mapped directly from the
keys though....)
* Move the editor-window to front, press "Ctrl + 1".
* Maximize the editor-window, press "Altgr + 1"
* Maximize the tracks in the editor-window, press "Ctrl + m"
* Move the playlist-window to front, press "Ctrl + 2".
* Move the Midi-properties-window to front, press "Ctrl + 3".
* Move the Help-window to front, press "Ctrl+4". (Use right mouse
button to access menues)
* Play song press Altgr+Space.
* Play block, press Right windows + Space
* Stop: Press space
* Continue song: Press Right Shift + Space
* Undo: Press Right Windows + U
* Redo: Press Right Windows + Right Shift + U
* Toggle midi-editing on/off, press Esc.
* Move 10 lines up/down: Press Left shift + up/down
* Move between tracks: Press AltGr + left/right
* Add block: Press Ctrl + f
* Move to next block: Press f
* Move to prev block: press a
* PANIC! Hold down left and right mouse buttons for 2-10 seconds.
The player should then stop.
+ A lot more. Check out bin/keybindings.conf for the complete
list. This file can also be editied.
E-radium creates 8 public alsa-midi seq ports. Currently, only
the 2 first ones are enabled. To enable more, check out the
file s/startup-sequence.
On the linux-side (alsa-seq), the name of the ports are uae0,
uae1, uae2 and so on.
On the amiga-side (camd), the name of the ports are mmp.0,
mmp.1, mmp.2 and so on. These are directly connected if
enabled in s/startup-sequence.
Radium is currently configured to read midi from the uae0 alsa
midi port.
Radium runs quite okey on its own (v0.63), but its not quite
there yet. Until its there, running it via uae is the only
way to use it besides using a real amiga of course (altough
that is much slower than emulating).
Recently there has been news that Debian is lacking in security updates
( I've been
pondering installing DeMudi for a while but want to know what people think of
these security problems. I don't particularly like red-hat so keep that in
mind. Does anyone use Mandrake for pro-audio. It's what I'm most familiar
with but I don't want to have a mountain of configuration problems to get
real-time performance. What about Ubuntu with the DeMudi packages? Is this
relatively easy to setup?
Thanks for any advice,
I'm trying to get NoteEdit (2.7.4, installed via Demudi) to work
correctly under Debian Sid and I can't get the MIDI sequencer (via the
TSE3 library) to work unless I start noteedit as root. This is just a
(more or less) vanilla 2.4.22 kernel, no low-latency patches and not
running jack or anything. tse3play also only works when run as root, so
All other MIDI-based apps work correctly on the machine in question
(Rosegarden, timidity, vkeybd), so I am pretty sure the problem is in
the tse3 library.
Any one run into this and know a workaround?
-- Brett
Programmer by Day, Guitarist by Night
Hi again linux audio users
I kind of solved my problems with my Audiophile USB :
now jack runs without any xruns, but playing anything (for example with
"alsaplayer -o jack" or ardour) only outputs noise.
Jack does not output any error/warning message, even whith the verbose
any idea on what this may be ?
thanks in advance...
PS: if this can be of any hel to anyone trying to get jack working with
an audiophile usb, I got it running with
jackd -R alsa -P plughw:2 -C plughw:2,1 -p 256 -n 4
and turning the card off and on just before launching jack often helps (!)
hi linux-audio-users
i'm trying to figure out how to make my maudio quattro usb use 4i/4o (runs
only 2o) on this beautiful demudi 1.2.1. Unfortunatly im not a programmer,
so as far as I could get, I made .asoundrc in /root as it's advised by
Patrick Shirkley at, And I think that compiling with
qinit.c is quite important too, but I get qinit.c:1:28: alsa/asoundlib.h: No
such file or directory. so I found asoundlib.h at (im
not sure if its it) and im not sure either where to put it, to gcc -o qinit
qinit.c -lasound -ldl -lm. This is where im standing. Could anyone give me a
push. I would really appreciate it.
thanx in advance
Undgå pop-ups med MSN Toolbar
Ladies, gents, and those in between,
I got back into the hacking thing a couple days ago, and I'm pleased to
announce new versions of both the Specimen sampler and the Phat Audio
Toolkit. As always, the real tip can be had at The
stuff that I remember changing follows:
* Fixed CPU hogging
* Added keyboard for setting MIDI parameters
* Made patch list auto sorting
* Made volume logarithmic
* Added a new widget, the PhatKeyboard
Stay tuned for more!
Peace out,